Specialty itineraries designed to enhance your creativity


Colour, Food, Textiles, Architecture, Markets, Living Culture & the Arts

Slow Travel with your host Anna Barnes

artist, chef & anthropologist

Anna’s Creative Silk & Spice Journey

North West Vietnam

exclusive group of 6 guests only

Bac Ha, Y’Ty, Muong Hum, Ta Giang Phin & Mu Cang Chai

Creative Workshops in the Ethnic Villages and Markets of far North West Vietnam

Start and finish in Hanoi, Vietnam’s Capital

19th-28th September, 2025

Anna’s Art, Food & Culture Adventures are focussed on connecting with the culture. The people of Vietnam have a fascinating history, a delightful way of life and always a warm friendly smile for visitors. Experience safety with us. We participating in hands-on activities and meet new people - learning about their lives is a very satisfying way to enrich your cultural understanding.

We have carefully planned this trip to coincide with

local Ethnic Minority market days.

We take special excursions to

remote villages,

barely visited by tourists so we can experience the hospitality of the

Ha Nhi people in Y’Ty, the Black H’mong

in a small village south of Sapa,

the Red Dao people, Muong and

Flower H’Mong communities.

about This Trip

  • 10 days (9 nights) Full hosted by a multilingual local guide and Anna Barnes

    Day One: we meet at 8:30 am for a famous Hanoi coffee and get to know each other a little before we travel to Bac Ha for the first night in the West of North Vietnam. Enjoy beautiful scenery along the way. We stay in a locally run hotel and enjoy the hospitality and an early night.

    Day Two: We visit a vibrant local market that attracts a number of ethnic minority groups from the region. Many are wearing traditional clothes of their group, foods for sale are of the local cuisine and we have plenty of sketching opportunities before heading back to Bac Ha for checkout and travel to Muong Hum.

    Day Three: An early morning Sunday market. One of Anna’s favourites. The energy is relaxed and friendly. We may be lucky to see Ha Nhi women vendors, Red Dao and H’mong people going about their daily business. A morning of sketching, eating, laughing with locals and creativity. We have lunch then drive to Bat Xat.

    Day Four: We have 3 full days in this area. High up in the clouds, near the Chinese boarder. Remote communities of Ha Nhi Ethnic groups. Each day is spent learning, creating and mixing with the remarkable people of the region. We enjoy the newly built locally run hotel, cool mountain breezes and delicious family style meals.

    Day Five: Sketching, photographing and wandering local villages.

    Day Six: Check out after breakfast and travel the incredible scenic route of terraced rice fields and North Vietnam country side to reach a farmstay overlooking the valley we will explore in the next coming days. 2 nights here, in your own cabin. We meet for sketching sessions, meals and enjoy the incredible views from the main house.

    Day Seven: Explore the village of Ta Giang Phin. A H’mong community, avid stitchers and makers of handicrafts that you will want to purchase. Sit by the giant boulders riverside for relaxing sketch sessions, or visit peoples homes and sip tea with them whilst capturing a memory of a lifetime.

    Day Eight: Check out after breakfast and head to Mu Cang Chai. The famous steeped rice fields of North Vietnam. If we are lucky we will catch the last of the rice harvest for the season, capture farmers and buffalo in our sketches, and sketch vistas and views that you have been dreaming about.

    Day Nine: After breakfast in the eco lodge we have another day exploring the region of Mu Cang Chai.

    Day Ten: A day of gorgeous views and interesting routes as we head back to Hanoi. We arrive sometime in the early evening and say farewell. Make sure you have booked a nights accomodation, or asked us to help. Take a good nights rest before onward travel, or consider joining us for the North East Vietnam Sketching Journey starting a few days later.

  • Small group max 8 guests ensures you will receive plenty of personal tuition during the sessions

    9 nights accommodation in a private room with private bathroom

    Fully hosted by Anna Barnes of Art Food Culture

    9 breakfasts

    10 lunches (street food, market vendors and local restaurants)

    9 dinners (street food, market vendors and local restaurants)

    Ongoing Art Workshops led by Anna Barnes (@annasartfoodculture)

    Vietnamese (and English speaking) Licensed International Guide on all outings

    Private air-conditioned Van transport

    Guided Market and Village Tours

    Tips and gratuities when visiting remote village communities

    Drinking Water will be made available. Please bring your own stainless steel refillable bottle. Say NO to straws and plastic bags.

  • International airfares


    Travel insurance

    Some meals (breakfast on Day 1 and Dinner of Day 10)

    Beverages- alcohol and imported soft drinks 

    Van snacks, be sure to stock up

    Extra activities and tours organised in your free time (at your own cost)

    Personal expenses, laundry, minibar, tips, extra nights accomodation etc.

    Tips and gratuities (not compulsory)

    Airport Transfers (ask us to help or you can organise that directly with your Hanoi accomodation)

    Anything not mentioned in the Included list

  • Small group, maximum 6 guests. All inclusive experience.

    • Solo Travellers USD $3,900

    • Twin Travellers USD $3,780 (when booking two places at the same time, twin or double room share)

    • All prices in USD. To see what it will cost approximately in your own currency you can use any online conversion site. Try Remember that currencies are in constant fluctuation.

    USD $500 non refundable deposit required to reserve your spot. (Fully refunded if ArtFoodCulture cancels the trip).

  • The ADVENTURE Begins at 8:30am on the first day advertised. We have a warm welcome & specialty Hanoi coffee for you. It is imperative you arrive on time for our first meeting and onward travel (we will provide details upon booking).

    If you need help organising your transport from your home town to Hanoi, please email or call Anna.

    The closest airport is Hanoi. Airport code HAN. .

    Onward travel and additions to your itinerary can be organised for you. Please get in touch should you wish to explore other areas of Vietnam. Anna knows them well and has many good people to connect you with.

    You will be advised when minimum numbers have been reached and the trip will proceed (if the trip does not reach minimum numbers you will be notified and receive a refund of your deposit).

    Balance due 120 days before departure.

    North West Vietnam average temperature fluctuating between 20-25°C (68-77°F), with daytime highs reaching approximately 26°C (79°F)  in August.


  • Anna’s will teach you new skills, and then carefully guide you while you practice.

    Travel Sketching is an experiential practice. This is not about the end product or conjuring a hidden talent that may or may not exist. Be present in the environment and connect with the surroundings.

    Skills are taught step by step, just as you would learn how to read.

    Examples will be given, and locations have been chosen to specifically practice these new skills. Every session you build your repertoire. Feel satisfied and confident with your unique style.

  • Anna teaches you how to travel sketch in a new country with unique challenges and sensory experiences.

    • Carry a small sketch kit that is practical and portable.

    • Pull up a chair and sketch what is in front of you.

    • Meet a new person and within minutes be sitting in front of them sketching the scene.

    • Order a drink in a locals cafe with the view you want to sketch right there.

    • Walk through a rice field with your sketch kit to capture farmers and locals at work

    • Feel confident anywhere

    • Get out your sketchbook and capture the essence of your surroundings.

    • Sketch in a busy market without getting in the way of business

    • Have a laugh, loosen up and enjoy yourself


  • Anna will discuss with guests a variety of interesting topics such as:

    • The History of Vietnamese Cuisine

    • The influence of Occupation on Cuisine

    • Ethnic groups and Regional Variations

    • The Foodways of modern Vietnamese Cuisine

    • Impacts of Tourism on Food Production

    • Rice Farming and the manufacture of its products

    • Buddhist Veganism in Vietnam

    • Culinary appropriation, privilege & food choices

    • Seafood in Vietnam

    • Seasonal, locally grown and backyard production

    • Vietnamese diaspora Cuisine and what you can cook at home

  • For the duration of this trip we will be eating with Ethnic groups, and enjoying the hospitality of the kitchens where we take lodging. Sometimes on our journeys from one area to the next we stop at travellers canteens and local eateries. A typical meal will be served family style with rice, seasonal local vegatables sauteed/steamed/fried or grilled. The proteins are sourced from the immediate areas, farmed or produced by ethnic communities. We often try and taste things that we spot for sale on our market visits, and when we pass through towns.

    Delicious things of note include sticky rice cooked in bamboo, crispy roasted pork, black chicken, dried buffalo meat, wild greens, 5 spiced grilled duck and salmon hotpot.


  • The focus of this trip is immersion into the culture, to experience the beauty of the geography of Northern Vietnam, and also learn about the Ethnic Minority communities of this stunning region.

    By travel sketching on location - visiting villages and sketching our experiences, we connect with our creativity and with those around us.

    We give back, spend time interacting and show interest in other peoples way of life.

    We explore the textile traditions of the area. The rewards are immense. Sometimes you may feel outside your comfort zone, but rest assured you are in good hands with us. Our senior experienced multi lingual guide, alongside Anna will help you feel safe, excited and inspired.

  • Our aim is to experience the hospitality of the Ha Nhi people in Y’Ty, the Black H’mong in a small village south of Sapa, the Red Dao people, Muong and Flower H’Mong communities.

    Please see the reading list to learn more about these fascinating communities before you go.

    We will be delighted to help you access direct contact with members of these communities, off the beaten paths, get you an invite inside homes and to capture your experiences creatively with sketchbooks, smiles and cameras.

Participate on a Creative Silk & Spice Journey

  • Art

    Creativity & Curiosity growth Support

    Sketching Lessons for Absolute Beginners

    Enrichment prompts for Experienced Artists

    Ongoing and Continuous Creative Tuition throughout.

    Writers, poets, content creators, musicians & photographers encouraged to join

    Market tours with dedicated Creative Sessions

    Sketch with Anna in the heart of the Local Markets, Villages & Family Homes.

    Traditional Artisans, Weaving & Textiles

    Early Morning Adventures-Capture the Light and soul of the culture

    Gallery & Museum Visits

  • Food

    Authentic local food

    Street Food & Local Eateries

    "Break bread" with locals (eat noodles)Sketch,

    Food Filming, Content Creating & Food Photography Friendly

    Cooking Classes & Demos by Anna & Friends

    Write Recipes, Keep a Journal

    Family Home Meals

    Sober friendly (no booze based activities)

    Learn to use chopsticks (or byo fork)

  • Culture

    Ethical Slow Travel

    Overnight Village Stays

    Family Home Visits

    Meet Anna's Friends

    Market vendor interactions

    Small group-max 8

    LGBTQIA+ safe space

    Coffee Culture

    Book club (book announced when you book)

    10 day all inclusive Silk Road and Spice Route destinations.

    Private Facebook Group

Market Visits

We rise early and mix with the locals. Learn about local seasonal produce. The area is renowned for its plum season at this time.


We connect to our humanity, are open to learning and engage our curiosity. Safely get outside your comfort zone with us.


We have fun, we laugh, we tread lightly and we don’t take ourselves too seriously. Travelling with like minds in groups no bigger than 6 is a truely remarkable gift you can give yourself.


  • Anna's trips cater to a diverse range of individuals, from complete beginners in sketching to experienced urban sketchers. This includes studio artists looking to enhance their skills in sketching on location. The trip is designed to accommodate various skill levels, offering basic instruction for beginners and enrichment opportunities for seasoned urban sketchers.

    Additionally, non-sketchers are welcome on the trip and will be provided with care and guidance by a full-time guide. The experience is also open to photographers, poets, and journalers who are interested in exploring and capturing the culture and aesthetics of a new country.

    Anna's Art, Food, and Culture Experiences are ideal for adventurous souls seeking to immerse themselves in different cultures in a safe and supportive environment. It's particularly suitable for creative solo travelers who enjoy the company of like-minded individuals and the camaraderie of exploring new places together.

  • Anna's Art, Food, and Culture Experiences prioritize the activities and connections made during the day rather than focusing extensively on luxurious accommodations. However, they ensure that participants stay in the best hotels available in the local areas being explored. These accommodations range from 3-star hotels to eco lodges or locally run farm stays, depending on the destination.

    Regardless of the type of accommodation, they guarantee safety, cleanliness, and comfort for a good night's sleep. Essential amenities such as power, WiFi, and air conditioning are always provided to ensure a convenient stay. You will have your own room and bathroom with flushing toilets.

    The trips are organized and priced based on single occupancy, but participants travelling with friends or family members have the option to share accommodations, resulting in cost savings.

    Anna's Art, Food, and Culture Experiences do not pair strangers together for shared accommodations, and they do not charge single supplements, ensuring fairness and affordability for all participants.

    We do not discriminate between sexes, and all genders, no matter how you identify are warmly welcomed.

  • Love the sound of this Experience and want to sign up? Please read ArtFoodCulture’s Terms & Conditions first.

    Once you have read the Terms & Conditions please email me if you have any questions or would like further information.

    Ready to reserve your place? Click the button below and proceed with paying a deposit to secure your spot.

  • At Art Food, Culture we determine the viability of a trip proceeding based on the number of people who have committed to signing up. A non-refundable deposit is how we do this. The deposit amount is significant enough to indicate this commitment. If you have an emergency or medical issue that prevents you from proceeding then your insurance will be needed to be used. We do not give refunds under any circumstances. Please see out Terms & Conditions for further details.

What others have said

  • Dear Anna, Thank you for showing me the Vietnam you have come to know and love. Thank you for being so generous with your time, your friends, your knowledge and your life. You exceeded my expectations on what a trip like this can be. This trip expanded my knowledge of Vietnam- the people and the food and I certainly came away with some new skills and inspiration creatively. xx Julie

    Julie H

  • I was truly astounded by your knowledge of everything Vietnamese. Any questions we had, you had the answers. Everything we did and everywhere we went was so thoroughly thought out, planned and researched that we never had any doubts that it wouldn’t be incredible. I found you to be a real inspiration - watching the way that you urban sketched, how you chose your subjects, but also how you were interacting with the locals. I really did find all of this very inspiring and it made me really think about what I want from my life.

    Karina D

  • Love Anna! Her knowledge of Hoi An and Vietnamese food was invaluable. She had great recommendations for anything you wanted from restaurants to tailors to massages. I would travel anywhere with you, Anna! I really enjoyed walking around with Anna. My Dad and I agree that this was a trip of a lifetime and it is hard to describe to people. Thank you for helping us create that memory together.

    Sarah H

~6 guests only~

Bookings Open

~6 guests only~ Bookings Open