Blue Mountains Nature Journal, NSW, Australia.

Slow Down, Observe, Discover and See.

“perchance if those who speak so glibly of “a snails pace” should study it, they would not sneer at it, for carefully observed it seems to be one of the most wonderful methods of locomotion ever devised by animal.’ Anna Botsford Comstock

Let’s observe and awaken our curiosity. What catches your eye? That becomes your story. Journal your story in a beautiful archival quality sketch book. It will be passed down one day and be a reminder and keepsake for loved ones to enjoy. Savour the process, the connections and the joy by being amongst nature and spending time studying and recording it. 

Learn to Nature Journal with Anna Barnes, who has a BA in Fine Arts and a Masters in Design Science. She has been nature journalling for 10 years, and looks forward to sharing her skills with you. We will draw on the Nature Study teachings of Rudolf Steiner, Maria Montessori, Charlotte Mason, Anna Botsford Comstock and John Muir Laws.

What you do:

  • Meet in The Blue Mountains.

  • Take a nature walk with our journal, observing and sketching the subjects of the week.

  • Learn new journalling skills

  • Eat cake, drink tea, be merry.

  • Create a beautiful perpetual Nature Journal that documents the seasons and the unique nature of The Blue Mountains. 

“The precious moments of life are too rare, too valuable to be forgotten when they have passed; we should hoard them as a miser hoards his gold, and bring them to light and rejoice over them often. We should all of us have a treasury of happy memories to sustain us when life is unbearably cruel, to brighten the gloom a little, to be stars shining through the darkness.” 

Alfred Wainwright

It is not merely a study of life, but an experience of life.

“When we see with clear eyes, we know that we are surrounded by beauty. Let yourself fall in love with your life by paying attention”. John Muir Laws

What you will discover, observe, sketch and journal throughout the year:

  • Birds: anatomy, identification, calls, nests, eggs, feathers, behaviour, flight.

  • Wildflowers: seasonal, form, function, symmetry, foreshortening, herbarium pages, patterns.

  • Insects: bees, butterflies, spiders, dragonflies, beetles etc.

  • Animals: mammals, reptiles, amphibians and fish.

  • Water Bodies: pond life, lake life, waterfalls.

  • Forest Floor: ferns, lichen, moss and fungi.

  • Trees: leaves, bark, branches, seedpods, flowers, habitat.

  • Rocks: Minerals, fossils, caves, mountains.

  • Landscapes: block landscapes, maps, cross sections, habitats.

  • Celestial: moon mapping, constellations, and snow flakes (if we are lucky!)

  • Weather: skies, clouds, sunrises/sunsets, storms, rainbows.

Skills you will be taught throughout the year:

  • How to sketch in the field, diagramming, event recording, sound recording

  • Researching relevant and interesting information using internet, apps, and books

  • Using your own unique voice and point of view

  • Designing your journal pages

  • Keeping on track and recording the seasons as they happen around you 

  • Observing changes over time

  • The importance of connection to your environment

  • Using your art materials: blending, tone, texture, value, shading, colour, details, rendering.

  • Perspective, composition, shortcuts and hacks.

  • Creating a perpetual journal of archival quality. A keepsake to be cherished and passed down one day.

TBA per 3 hour class

TBA per 5 hour workshop

8 week seasons and 1 day workshops

Upper Mountains TBA

Lower Mountains TBA

You will need to bring your own Sketchbook and can bring your own art supplies, or use our art supplies. Bring what you have. No need to buy extra supplies.

Field Kit:

A5 visual art diary for exercises and field work.

Journal of your choice with good quality archival paper

Sketching pen or fountain pen (with waterproof ink)

2B pencil

Small Watercolour travel kit and brush (Winsor and Newton Cotmans Pocket Plus) or

Coloured pencils or aquarelles and sharpener (no more than 12-I use Faber-Castel Albrecht Durer watercolour pencils)

Other items:

Wear casual clothes that are appropriate for the often rapidly changing weather conditions of The Mountains. Walking shoes. Please dont wear strong perfumes. Bring a refillable water bottle, a light foldable stool (if needed) or a little cushion for cold or wet grounds (I use a supermarket cooler bag). You may want sun protection, insect protection, and have wet weather gear handy. Tissues are useful for cold windy weather. Snacks if you have food allergies/intolerances.