
  • Anna Barnes Supplies List

    For Sydney Classes you will need a basic sketch kit comprising of:

    your favourite sketchbook

    a small travel palette with a few watercolour 1/2 pans (yellow, red and blue minimum)

    a few watercolour (aquarelle) pencils

    a black waterproof pigment pen

    a size 4 or 6 paintbrush (or water brush)

    small water container with screw top lid

    Please avoid Montmartre, Jasart, and Born brands. If you are unsure, see the more detailed list with links below.

    • This is what Anna takes overseas when going on a sketching holiday

    • Anna travels with “carry on” luggage ONLY. No checked in luggage.

    • It is the recommended list when learning Travel Sketching with Anna overseas.

    • Supplies can be ordered online at Larry Post, an Australian based art supply store.

    • (If you have booked a trip with Anna as the host but you are learning from another Artist Teacher, please see their supplies list on the TUTORS page.)


    -Travelers Notebook (brand) with Cream MD Paper Insert


    -A5 Stillman & Birn Gamma Series sketchbook with softcover in portrait orientation.


    -Albrecht Durer Faber-Castell x 12 colours of your choice (water soluble pencils)

    -Prismacolor Premiere Pencils (just a few, optional)

    -Pencil Sharpener


    -Uni-ball EYE fine (or micro) black waterproof (made in Japan)

    -Pentel brush pen (black)

    -Posca pen 0.7mm (white)

    -Lamy Safari Fountain Pen with converter (optional)

    -Platinum Carbon Ink (optional for fountain pens)


    -Escoda Reserva Travel Brushes size 4 & 6


    -fine and medium sized plastic waterbrushes

    -Small Glass Bottle with screw top lid (for water)


    -Small Metal Foldable Travel Palette filled with 1/2 pans of your own preferences of Daniel Smith Watercolors squeezed from the tubes. Dont carry tubes overseas. Fill 1/2 pans, let them dry and blu tack them securely into the palette)


    -Travel Watercolour set, Winsor & Newtown Cotmans Pocket Plus (12 x 1/2 pans)

    Daniel Smith Watercolors

    (you choose your favourites, you need at least 1 blue, red and yellow. You do not need all these for your first trip)


    Lunar Blue

    Raw Umber Violet

    Perylene Green

    Green Apatite Genuine

    Undersea Green

    Deep Sap Green

    Sap green 

    Buff Titanium

    Potter’s Pink 

    Opera Pink

    Rose of Ultramarine

    Permanent Alzarin Crimson

    Carbazole Violet

    Nickel Azo Yello

    New Gamboge

    Aussie Red Gold

    Van Dyck Brown

    Transparent Brown Oxide

    Raw Sienna

    Cobalt Teal Blue

    Manganese Blue Hue

    Cerulean Blue Chromium

    French Ultramarine


  • This is what Anna uses and talks about in class. It is not what you must bring to class (see above)

    • Albrecht Durer Faber-Castell (water soluble pencils)

    • Prismacolor Premeire Pencils (non soluble)

    • Faber-Castell Double Barrel Metal Sharpener

    • Pens - Uni-ball EYE fine (or micro) black waterproof (made in Japan)

    • Pentel brush pen (black)

    • Posca PCF-350 brush (white)

    • Escoda Reserva Travel Brushes size 2, 4 & 6

    • Small Glass Bottle with screw top lid (for water)

    • Plastic water brushes (made in Japan, fine/medium size) with the inbuilt water reservoir.

    • Twsbi Eco Fountain Pen

    • Lamy Safari Fountain Pen (extra fine & broad nib)

    • Platinum Carbon Ink from HERE

    • De Atramentis Archive Ink - Black

    • De Atramentis Document Ink - Urban Sienna, Green Grey

    • Small Metal Foldable Travel Palette filled with 1/2 pans and my own preferences of Daniel Smith Watercolors squeezed from the tubes.

    • Favourite Daniel Smith Watercolors:


      Lunar Blue

      Raw Umber Violet

      Perylene Green

      Green Apatite Genuine

      Undersea Green

      Deep Sap Green

      Sap green 

      Buff Titanium

      Potter’s Pink 

      Opera Pink

      Rose of Ultramarine

      Permanent Alzarin Crimson

      Carbazole Violet

      Nickel Azo Yello

      New Gamboge

      Aussie Red Gold

      Van Dyck Brown

      Transparent Brown Oxide

      Raw Sienna

      Cobalt Teal Blue

      Manganese Blue Hue

      Cerulean Blue Chromium

      French Ultramarine


    • Winsor & Newton Pocket Plus. 12 x 1/2 pan colours.

    • Travelers Notebook- Inserts I like to use; Kraft Paper Insert, and Cream MD Paper Insert from HERE

    • OR a good quality A5 sketchbook such as STILLMAN & BIRN GAMMA SERIES SOFTCOVER SKETCHBOOK 150gsm 5.5x8.5 Inch PORTRAIT 46 sheets.

    • Steadtler Lumocolor® permanent glasochrom 108 20 (white) (optional)

    • Liht Lab Single Zip Wide Open Pencil Case (optional - any supplies case/pouch will do)

    • Most supplies can be purchased HERE in Australia. Find your own suppliers for other countries.

    • Books and Resources HERE

  • Chairs on a packing list are generally part of the urban sketching supply list. Do you usually carry one with you? Do you urban sketch already? Most urban sketchers like to carry their own chair, they are very small and light and can fit in a backpack. Usually it is a 3 legged stool from camping shops etc. 

    I highly recommend you choose yourself whether to bring one or not.

    Here is the reason…

    There are millions of chairs in Vietnam and SE Asia, and they are available to use easily. Simply order a coffee or a snack from a vendor and use their chair. It helps with connection to the culture and environment.


    Not having a chair/stool will reduce your view points and “perfect sketching” angles, because you are restricted by sketching what is near your chair and within your line of sight. So while not having one greatly increases your connection with the local culture, it will over time limit your sketching and ability to grow as an artist. You may find yourself (as I did) sketching your cafe drink over and over, whilst wishing you were in the street challenging yourself with a bigger view.

    Also when you have a significant amount of time to sketch, but are using a street vendors chair to sketch long after your drink/bowl of noodles are finished, the pressure to hurry up and move on will also affect the quality of your work.

    NB: If you are a larger body type, or extra errrr…. “Heavy”, then you may have difficulty with market stools and local cafe chairs in Vietnam. They very very small and plastic, also they can be very low to the ground. I have had guests on previous trips struggle with getting down so low, and also being too heavy for the chairs and feeling like they might break them. If this will be your concern, you will want to find a public street bench or a more upmarket cafe or restaurant designed for foreign tourists to sit in. 

“I will cut adrift—I will sit on pavements and drink coffee—I will dream; I will take my mind out of its iron cage and let it swim—this fine October.” — Virginia Woolf

When you learn to travel sketch with Anna Barnes or participate on any of our Art, Food & Culture experiences a small portable sketch kit is imperative. If you are booked with one of our tutors please see their supplies list on the tutors page.