
We met on a gorgeous sunny day in Eastwood. First I took our group to a friendly local pop up market where the vendors sell a variety of fresh seasonal fruits and veg. The energy of this market means we had plenty to capture. We tackled 1 point perspective, scribbling simple human forms and getting a sense of the depth of the space amongst the hustle and bustle.  It was a 15 minute sketch, then off to some street food. Topokki in Korea is one of the most popular streetfoods. Its made with the dense chewy cylindrical rice cakes, plently of gochujang (a fermented rice chilli paste) and this version had cabbage and fish cakes in it as well. Some of us loved it, and some were happy to sketch and leave their portion behind! Korean food is one of those cuisines that does not always win everybody over immediately!

Next we headed to the Korean side dish store where we choose from a great big variety of classic Korean side dishes that are typically eaten with every family meal. This shop also sells a big variety of kim chi. After I filled my Erin Hill Sketching bag with a fermented things such as chillies and lotus roots and dried radish, we headed to a sweet little dumpling house for handmade dumplings. Here we had a relaxing sit and sketch and talked about all things Korean food, whilst looking at tone, colour, shape and perspective in our sketches. 

Finally it was time for cake and coffee. Those who were still game tried the sweet potato latte, the yam latte, the citron tea and the red bean cinnamon pumpkin buns. Those who had experienced enough of a new cuisine for a little while were happy with a cafe latte. All delicious, and a fun group and happy day! Take a look at out sketches below. We also had a sketcher who was using his ipad and an apple pencil. Wonderful results for a brand new sketcher! Well done everybody. 


Blue Mountains Travel Sketch Class


Blue Mountains Travel Sketch Class