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Cabramatta Reconnaissance

I took a walk with my journal. I have not been to Cabramatta since I flew home from Vietnam in March. I was missing Vietnam. This is as good as it gets right now. The pandemic is still keeping boarders closed, with no flights, no visas, and no way to return.

I always start with a Vietnamese iced coffee. At cafe Xua, the flavour is most similar to Vietnam. The other cafes all seem to be using an Italian roast. I prefer the Vietnamese roasted bean flavour. It is caramel tainted. Combined with sweetened condensed milk, loads of crushed ice and a massive punch of caffeine, I am ready to explore.

My first stop in Vietnam, my last stop in Vietnam, and so my first hunt in Cabramatta is for Bun Dau Mam Tom. The pandemic lockdowns have meant that many businesses have shiut their doors permanently. My all time favourite for Bun Dau mam Tom was closed! DEVASTATING. Lynne made the best Hanoi standard Bun Dau Mam Tom. Instead I had this version. It was disappointing. The search will continue another day….

There are some crazy new places that have popped up. Not Vietnamese. Cabramatta is changing. The young are opening instagram worthy gimmicky food outlets. I tried the soufflé' pancakes, and the matcha, red bean and cornflake parfait. Both good enough, but I won’t need to try them again. Sweet, creamy, soft, spongy, crisp.

Noooooooo! My favourite restaurant (well, another favourite) has closed. It is poor compensation that the replacement is using my name in honour. Like that is going to make it OK!? I would prefer the Corona had not fucked with shit in the first place, dammnit. Maybe I will have to eat a Pho Anna. *rolls eyes. In the meantime, I had this awful microwaved Banh Cuon. I should’ve eaten at Pho Anna. Maybe she is a food snob like me? Life was getting depressing now….

I hopelessly wandered the markets, with existential angst about cultural appropriation vs the fact that I have a social anthropology degree, a few chef awards and 25 years in the industry. Surely that is enough for crazy white ladies to not give me a hard time about being in love with Vietnam, and obsessed by all things Vietnam. ….wondering when I can loose myself deep in a market in Vietnam again. The best Banh Cuon of my life was in the smallest, locals, not a tourist to be seen (except myself in my selfie), wooden shack near the boarder of China. Take me back. I need to go back or I will die. Oh god….I am going to die…

Random arty photos of produce not seen in my upper mountains abode. Aesthetic excitement lifted my spirits mildly.

The Banh Mi Thit were called Pork Rolls, and the Water Buffalos were made of stone. This was not Vietnam. The specialty Vietnamese restaurants or quirky regional Vietnamese restaurants had closed. Covid economy downturn had taken them. The stronger big players were still operating. Southern Vietnamese Cuisine. Shops were empty, and many novelty foods, bubble tea shops, and chains had taken their place. Whilst I still feel Cabramatta is a great option for a Vietnamese food experience, the changes made me sad.

It appears I will be able to make my “#BanalFriday” ventures to Cabramatta too now. Oh Sydney, Oh Corona, Oh how will we survive?

“What would our lives be like, we wondered, if we were really to empty our chalice of disease and refrain from refilling it again ourselves, and instead let it be filled eventually through God’s grace? We simply could not know. There were no guarantees.”

My Chalice spilled…

I wait eth for it eth, to be filled eth.